results in an online dialog question:
Please type the name of the tabular input data file: |
\inputfile= |
The data look like:
265/89 Study of Plasma Potential Effects in a 40 MHz ... Spectrochim. Acta 1989 44B 219-228 ww 264/89 Atomic Emission and Atomic Absorption Spectrometric ... . . . . . 263/89 Comparative Surface and Bulk Analysis of Oxygen in Si3N4 ... Fresenius Z.Anal.Chem. 1989 333 502-506 WW 262/89Seven records build one tabular line. There must be a blank record for each empty entry (marked by . in the above example).
Here is the definition of the tabular:
\small\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{.8} \tablehead{\hline Publ-Nr. & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{Titel} & ersch. & Jahr & Bd. & Seite & Institut \\ \hline} \tabletail{\hline} \begin{center} \begin{supertabular}{|l|p{5cm}|p{3cm}|l|l|l|l|} \noalign{\readtabline{7}} \autotabline \end{supertabular} \end{center}
And here is the result: